科学出版社 / 波斯特尼科夫
¥124.74 ¥96.00
九成新 文学艺术
《国外数学名著系列(续一)(影印版)60:几何6(黎曼几何)》主要内容:This book treats that part of Riemannian geometry related to more classical topics in a very original,clear and solid style.Before going to Riemannian geometry,the author presents a more general theory of manifolds with a linear connection.Having in mind different generalizations of Riemannian manifolds,it is clearly stressed which notions and theorems belong to Riemannian geometry and which of them are of a more general nature.Much attention is paid to transformation groups of smooth manifolds.
Throughout the book,different aspects of symmetric spaces are treated.The author successfully combines the co-ordinate and invariant approaches to differential geometry,which give the reader tools for practical calculations as well as a theoretical understanding of the subject.The book contains a very useful large appendix on foundations of differentiable manifolds and basic structures on them which makes it self-contained and practically independent from other sources.
The results are well presented and useful for students in mathematics and theoretical physics,and for experts in these fields.The book can serve as a textbook for students doing geometry,as well as a reference book for professional mathematicians and physicists.
Throughout the book,different aspects of symmetric spaces are treated.The author successfully combines the co-ordinate and invariant approaches to differential geometry,which give the reader tools for practical calculations as well as a theoretical understanding of the subject.The book contains a very useful large appendix on foundations of differentiable manifolds and basic structures on them which makes it self-contained and practically independent from other sources.
The results are well presented and useful for students in mathematics and theoretical physics,and for experts in these fields.The book can serve as a textbook for students doing geometry,as well as a reference book for professional mathematicians and physicists.